The length of the Saturn - Pluto synodic cycle varies depending on the position of Pluto in its orbit. When it is closer to the Sun, its orbital speed increases and Saturn takes longer to overtake it. Pluto was moving its faster at perihelion in 1990, when it dipped inside the orbit of Neptune. The current synodic cycle which will end in January of 2020 is of about 38 years duration.
FIGURE 1: double click for a closer view. Image address can be found at:
A closer look at FIGURE 1 will show how close Saturn and Pluto are during this coming conjunction because their latitudes are almost the same (+0°02' and -0°40' respectively). Compare their proximity to that of their previous conjunction and the difference is quite marked. The author of the chart is using a heliocentric, sidereal zodiac so that's why the zodiacal signs are out of alignment. The reason for my interest in the relationship between these planets is that some sort of economic reset is anticipated in the next year or so and the forthcoming conjunction may be an indicator of its timing. Saturn rules structure, organisation and systems while Pluto oversees transformation.
As near as I can determine, the conjunction will occur at 5:13pm in Basel on January 12th 2020. Why Basel? Well, that's where the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) is located and seeing that it's regarded as the Bank of Banks, then Basel is a reasonable location. It's one hour ahead of Greenwich. The chart is an interesting one and it can be seen immediately that a confluence of synodic cycles is involved because Saturn and Pluto are joined by Mercury, the Sun and Ceres to form a tight and impressive stellium in Capricorn.
The stellium falls almost exactly on the seventh house cusp. The day is a Sunday and one can imagine a special meeting of the financial elite taking place that afternoon and a decision being reached around 5pm about what news to break to the world the next morning. On the previous Thursday, transiting Uranus turned stationary direct in 2°39' of Taurus. The Moon, ruler of the chart and representative of the general public, is in the regal sign of Leo and, fittingly, on the cusp of the second house. A very close quincunx between Uranus and Neptune in the eighth house indicates predictably that the banksters will be guilty of deception and intrigue. Figure 2 shows the chart.
FIGURE 2: chart for the coming conjunction of Saturn and Pluto. |
So it seems to me that January 12th 2020 might be a day when big decisions are made concerning the global economy, a new digital currency perhaps for all the nations of the world. Whatever is decided of course, it will be good for the banksters and not so good for the rest of us. The larger implications of the changes may not become apparent or may not be fully implemented until the time when Saturn reaches the square to Pluto. Saturn's subsequent opposition to Pluto should reveal the full extent and consequences of the earlier initiatives.