In Jakarta, at noon on Wednesday, January 13th 2021, there is a conjunction of the Sun and Moon in 23°13' of Capricorn. It falls almost exactly on the MC (22°54') with Pluto very nearby in (24°35'). Interestingly, all the planetary bodies lie within an arc of a little over 120°, bounded by Venus in 5°43' of Capricorn and Uranus, retrograde, in 6°43' of Taurus. Figure 1 shows the configuration.
Figure 1 |
As well as the Sun, Moon, Pluto stellium, there is another one nearby between Mercury (7°40' Aquarius, Jupiter (5°37' Aquarius) and Saturn (3°03' Aquarius). Additionally, Ceres (15°51' Pisces) and Neptune (18°45' Pisces) form doublets along with Mars (2°57' Taurus) and Uranus (6°43'R). Chiron and Venus are the only two bodies that stand alone and they form a close square. Mars-Uranus is square to Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn.
What does it all mean, for Jakarta and the rest of the world? It's certainly an energetic concentration of planets and on the days following the Moon will sweep across the gap between itself and Mars-Uranus, making various aspects as it does so. The Moon won't take long to reach the sensitive Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn stellium (the next day in fact). The Moon represents the people, suffering humanity if you will, and so perhaps it augurs badly for them as they are buffeted even more by forces beyond their control.
Let's not forget that on January 13th, it will be almost exactly a year since the fateful conjunction that precipitated the pandemic. See Figure 2.
Figure 2 |
As can be seen, this conjunction was almost in the same position as the forthcoming Sun-Moon conjunction in 23°13' of Capricorn. A year ago the positions (all in Capricorn) were:
- Mercury 22°24'
- Saturn 22°43'
- Pluto 22°45'
- Sun 21°26'
- Ceres 22°19'
So it's an anniversary of sorts with the Sun returning to its position of a year ago and with Pluto pretty much in the same position as well (less than two degrees difference). Perhaps our psychopathic overlords have something surprising in store for us once again. We don't have long to wait to find out.