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Astrological Meanderings: December 2022

Thursday, 22 December 2022

Solstice in Jakarta

At a little before 5am in Jakarta, on December 22nd 2023, the Sun entered Capricorn. This marked the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere and the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. As Jakarta is the capital, the chart shown in Figure 1 should be indicative of events in general for all of Indonesia. 

Figure 1

One of the most outstanding features of the chart is the T-square between Ceres, Jupiter and the Sun with the Sun being at the apex. Ceres is in the first degree of Libra and Jupiter is in the first degree of Aries. This is a very active aspect that takes place in cardinal signs close to the angles of the chart. The Sun can be taken to represent the government and so there will be pressure on it to handle newly emerging and rapidly escalating developments domestically (Jupiter in the fourth house) that will involve food and other basic resources (Ceres in the tenth house). 

Saturn is in the third house and, to paraphrase from this source, it is associated with communication and travel, but short travel (by bus, car, bicycle, etc. It can show the way people move around, how they interact with one another, how communities come together, and things like traffic, mass transit, local newspapers. The presence of Saturn indicates that all these activities will be restricted to some degree, especially as Saturn is loosely aspected by Mercury. The close semisextile of Saturn and Neptune suggests that things will not quite be as they seem. There may be deception or chaos and confusion.

The population at large (represented by the Moon) will not be happy. The Moon is opposed by Mars and both are in mutable signs (Sagittarius and Gemini respectively) and close to the Ascendant-Descendant axis. Mercury, Venus and Pluto seem to crowd the second house, a house that represents finances, wealth, and possessions/property of the people as a whole. Both Mercury and Venus are in trine to Uranus at the cusp of the sixth house. There will be surprises and sudden developments in this department but with earth placement of these planets, hopefully stability will be maintained. Let's see how things play out.

I've never been sure how important these solstice/equinox charts are. The exact moment of their happening is largely ignored by the public unlike the start of the New Year which is tracked to the second by billions of people around the world. I'll make sure that I draw up a chart for the start of the new year in Jakarta.

ADDENDUM: December 23rd 2022

The chart shown in Figure 2 is cast for the day after the solstice when the Moon and the Sun were conjunct and when the T-square was made even stronger by the presence of the Moon at the apex.

Figure 2