- Sun☉
- Dragon's Head ☊
- Dragon's Tail ☋
- Conjunction ☌
- Opposition ☍
- Moon ☽
- Mercury ☿
- Venus ♀
- Earth ♁
- Mars ♂
- Jupiter ♃
- Saturn ♄
- Uranus ♅
- Neptune ♆
- Pluto ♇
- Aries ♈
- Taurus ♉
- Gemini ♊
- Cancer ♋
- Leo ♌
- Virgo ♍
- Libra ♎
- Scorpio ♏
- Sagittarius ♐
- Capricorn ♑
- Aquarius ♒
- Pisces ♓
Not all the symbols are here of course but some can simply be inserted from the keyboard e.g. sextile aspect * or from other character sets e.g. trine aspect △ (from geometric) or semi-square aspect ∠ and square aspect ⟎ (from Maths). The quincunx aspect ⌅ or a close approximation of it is available from Technical.
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