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Astrological Meanderings: March 2020

Sunday, 8 March 2020

In the Time of Corona

In November of 2018, I wrote about The Saturn and Pluto Synodic Cycle, referencing in particular the January 12th 2020 conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. I wrote:
As near as I can determine, the conjunction will occur at 5:13pm in Basel on January 12th 2020. Why Basel? Well, that's where the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) is located and seeing that it's regarded as the Bank of Banks, then Basel is a reasonable location. It's one hour ahead of Greenwich. The chart is an interesting one and it can be seen immediately that a confluence of synodic cycles is involved because Saturn and Pluto are joined by Mercury, the Sun and Ceres to form a tight and impressive stellium in Capricorn.
Figure 1 shows the chart:
Figure 1: chart cast for the conjunction in Basel 

I continued on by saying:
So it seems to me that January 12th 2020 might be a day when big decisions are made concerning the global economy, a new digital currency perhaps for all the nations of the world. Whatever is decided of course, it will be good for the banksters and not so good for the rest of us. The larger implications of the changes may not become apparent or may not be fully implemented until the time when Saturn reaches the square to Pluto. Saturn's subsequent opposition to Pluto should reveal the full extent and consequences of the earlier initiatives. 
 In June of 2019, I made a post titled Financial Reset in which I wrote:
I've drawn up a chart for London as the day dawns on Monday, January 13th 2020. The conjunction falls on the Sunday but global markets won't be open then and trading will begin in London later that morning. I've chosen London because historically it was the centre of the world economy and it still plays a very important role. Figure 2 shows a dramatic chart with Mercury, Sun, Saturn and Pluto all conjunct on the rising degree.
Figure 2: sunrise in London following the conjunction

I went on to say that:
Interestingly in late November of 2020, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will be closely aligned in Capricorn. The involvement of Jupiter suggests some sort of new direction following the destruction by Pluto of the old economic order, represented by Saturn in Capricorn. However, getting back to the actual conjunction, it should be noted that the latitudes of the two planets are also very close, Saturn being 0°40’ S and Pluto being 0°02’ N.  
The focus in both my posts was on a radical economic restructuring. Of course, I had no idea how this was to take place. It was clear that the global elite would need to create a major crisis in order to justify any really radical measures and trade wars and actual wars were possible candidates. Last year it seemed that both were possible. Dangerous tensions arose between the United States and Iran while at the same time the trade war between the United States and China ramped up significantly. In the end, it was the pandemic scenario that won out.

This was an excellent choice because as can now be seen it is shutting down the entire world and promising economic repercussions of unimaginable proportions. Paper money has been targeted as a vehicle for the transmission of the virus and the days of cash are clearly numbered. The numbers dying from the virus are insignificant on a global scale but it is the hysteria that has been whipped up by mainstream media and even some alternative media, that is of importance. Radical economic restructuring along with medical marshal law and the elimination of paper money is now justified.

In late March of 2020, transiting Mars moves to the midpoint of Saturn and Pluto while Jupiter reaches a conjunction with Pluto. Maybe there will be some significant developments around that time when all the planets will be within a 120° arc stretching from Capricorn to Taurus. Figure 3 shows this.

Figure 3

So it would seem that the Corona virus is a means to an end and that end is financial initially but ultimately it is about CONTROL. Saturn of course is a fitting symbol for CONTROL and Pluto has much to do with the dastardly ways of achieving this. However, the full energy of Pluto cannot be controlled as when the earth trembles and volcanoes erupt. Maybe the global elite will overestimate the degree to which they can control the course of events that have been set in motion.