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Astrological Meanderings: July 2021

Friday, 16 July 2021

Aphelion of Chiron

I wrote about Chiron in a post titled A Closer Look at Chiron in anticipation of its entry into Aries on April 17th 2018. In that post I included a quote:

Chiron's role is often associated with new discoveries in the health field and medicinal arts; and classically, Chiron is often called "the wounded healer", a term coined by Carl G. Jung, having been accidentally shot with a poisoned arrow by Heracles. Chiron works with the subtle resonances of neurological communication that make not only neurological functions possible, but also medical and healing modalities and technologies that incorporate subtle resonances, those transcendent to physical phenomenology (Radionics is a good example). Chiron is found to be significant in astrological charts associated with new medical discoveries, inventions, and new technologies or modalities in the heath-care field; and is often prominently placed in the charts of people involved with such discoveries and of those involved in the healing art-sciences.

During its time in Aries, Chiron will be at its slowest orbital velocity and at its furthest distance from the Sun. I searched high and low but can't find exactly when aphelion occurs but suffice to say that, while in Aries, its position is at its closest to the orbit of Uranus. See Figure 1.

Figure 1

It's clear at this point in the pandemic that the "medical establishment" has forfeited all credibility. Many brave doctors and nurses and other health professionals have spoken out against the medical tyranny being imposed on humanity. The warnings have been sounded but few have heard because of the draconian censorship of the media. 

The poisoned arrow that wounded Chiron reminded me of the jab or kill shot as some are calling it. Let's review the mythology surrounding that arrow a little closer:

Chiron was the most important Centaur in Greek mythology, famous for his teaching ability. He was the son of the Titan god Cronus and the nymph Philyra. Although centaurs had the upper body of a man and the lower body of a horse, Chiron's front legs were also human, showing that he was different and higher in class than the rest. Other differences between Chiron and his brethren were that he was far more civilised in nature, not indulging in drinking and being overcome with lust. He had superior knowledge, and he had a different lineage to the other centaurs, who were created by the union of Ixion and Nephele. He lived on Mount Pelion with his consort, the nymph Chariclo, with whom he had three daughters, Hippe, Endeis, and Ocyrhoe; as well as a son, Carystus. His students included famous heroes and gods of the Greek myths, such as Asclepius, Ajax, Achilles, Theseus, Jason, Peleus, Perseus, and even Heracles and Phoenix. 
His death was the result of events that started when Heracles visited the centaur Pholus in his cave, while trying to complete the fourth task described in the Labours of Heracles. The two individuals had supper and Heracles asked for wine. Pholus opened a bottle of sacred wine given to him by Dionysus, but the smell attracted the other centaurs from the nearby area. The centaurs attacked in an effort to take the wine, but Heracles killed many of them using poisoned arrows. One of those arrows hit Chiron by mistake. Chiron was immortal and could not die, but the poison caused unbearable pain to him. So, he happily gave up his immortality in exchange for Prometheus' freedom, when he was asked to do so by Heracles. Chiron then took a space on Mount Olympus along with the gods. 
Source: https://www.greekmythology.com/Myths/Creatures/Chiron/chiron.html

The "poisoned arrows" that many of humanity are receiving now are killing some and those who survive will be permanently wounded. As the truth about the vaccines emerges, those who survive will seek to heal themselves. Any remaining faith in the medical establishment will be shattered and all trust in allopathic medicine lost. The poisons peddled by the pharmaceutical companies will be shunned and the damaged will look for genuine healing alternatives.

These alternatives have always been there but they have lived in the shadow of allopathic medicine for over a century. Finally, they will emerge into the light of day and receive the attention they deserve. Maybe. It's too early to tell how all this will play out.

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Periodicity of Mars-Venus Conjunctions

I wrote explicitly about Mars-Venus conjunctions in a post titled Mars-Venus on January 27th 2017. However, I've also referred to the topic in Synodic Periods on March 30th 2017 and Mars: A Close Approach and Retrograde Motion of Planets on August 4th 2018. Today (July 13th 2021), when Mars is once again conjunct Venus, I thought it was time to revisit the topic. In this conjunction, the latitudes of these two planets are very close, 1°39' versus 1°11' north latitude. Their longitudes become identical 19°48'57" at 8:33pm, Jakarta time. See Figure 1.

Figure 1

Adapted from Stellarium, Figure 2 shows the view from Jakarta looking to the West about 6:30pm on July 13th 2021. The star Regulus is quite near to the Moon, being at a latitude of 0°08' of Virgo.

Figure 2

This would be the first of three conjunctions of Venus and Mars. The next two conjunctions of Mars and Venus are slated to take place on February 12, 2022 and March 12, 2022. These three form what is called a triple conjunction defined as:
A triple conjunction is an astronomical event where two planets or a planet and a star meet each other three times in a short period, either in opposition or at the time of inferior conjunction, if an inferior planet is involved. The visible movement of the planet or the planets in the sky is therefore normally prograde at the first conjunction, retrograde at the second conjunction and again prograde at the third conjunction. Source.

Figure 3 shows another view of what the first conjunction might look like:

Figure 3

Venus-Mars repeated conjunctions occur every 32 years (plus 0.5 to 4.5 days). During that time, 15 to 17 different conjunctions occur with nearly each one repeating in turn. Some series last >1200 years (up to 40 events). Others are considerably shorter. At the beginning and end of these series, the interval can be one week longer than 32 years. The reason why this happens is because for nearly every 20 times Venus returns to its similar position in the sky, Mars completes almost 15 returns. If these cycles were exactly whole numbers, the repeated conjunctions would last much longer.

This can be confirmed by looking ahead to 2053 and seeing how Mars and Venus are positioned. We find that Mars and Venus are again conjunct in 23°26' of Leo at 7.42pm on July 14th 2053. This is less than 4° from the July 13th 2021 position in 19°49' of Leo. See Figure 4. Remarkable!

Figure 4: Mars-Venus conjunction 2053

Going back to 1989, we find the the two planets were conjunct in 16°17' of Leo at 12:21am on July 13th 1989. This  is about 3.5° behind the 2021 position. See Figure 5.

Figure 5: Mars-Venus conjunction 1989