Astrological Meanderings: A Deeper Look at Indonesia's Independence Chart

Friday, 6 April 2018

A Deeper Look at Indonesia's Independence Chart

Here is Indonesia's Independence Chart that I discussed briefly in an earlier post.

Perhaps the most traumatic event in Indonesia's history was the 1965 overthrow of the president, Sukarno. The coup occurred on September 30th and the transits on that day to Indonesia's Independence Chart are shown below:

For me, the outstanding feature is the very close square between transiting Uranus/Pluto and natal Mars/Uranus, consistent with the sudden upheaval and appalling violence. The presence of Uranus and Pluto in the twelfth house reflects the covert nature of the coup, orchestrated behind the scenes by the CIA and other Intelligences Agencies. The Mars/Uranus conjunction is thus a very sensitive spot in the chart and disconnected from any aspect patterns. Its presence in a cadent house and mutable sign adds to its volatility.

Close to the cusp of the eighth house, the point around 1°30' of Taurus is semi-square this conjunction and transiting Uranus will reach this point repeatedly over the next couple of years. Specifically:
  • Mid-June 2018 (moving forward)
  • Late-September 2018 (in retrograde motion)
  • Early April 2019 (moving forward)
  • Mid-January 2020 (when it turns stationary direct in 2°39' of Taurus)
This time frame corresponds to the lead-up and resolution of the 2019 Presidential elections so there is plenty of potential for political unrest.

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