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Astrological Meanderings: March 2022

Saturday, 19 March 2022

Pluto in Aquarius

The tiny size of the menu text in Astrolog has resolved itself and I've created a new database in Airtable for my lost data. I'm gradually rebuilding my former charts in Astrolog but the initial data will always be there in Airtable should disaster strike. Figure 1 shows a chart for the entry of Pluto into Aquarius, that should take place on March 24th 2023. This is only a little over a year away.

Figure 1

Pluto is moving at the rate of about 1 minute of arc per day. This is when the changes promised by the Great Reset will really start to be felt by a suffering humanity. Pluto will remain in Aquarius only until June 11th 2023. It's return to Capricorn may mark a lull in the pace of change but when Pluto returns to Aquarius on January 21st 2024, to begin its twenty-year passage through the sign, the pace of change will accelerate and the technocratic dream will move closer and closer to reality.

The following source has some interesting observations to make about not only Pluto but also Neptune and Uranus:
The years 2024, 2025, and 2026 (when looked at as one cohesive period) delineate the beginning of the next global chapter following the breakdown brought on by the January 2020 Saturn-Pluto conjunction.

Why? Because that is when the three transpersonal planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) will change signs. Due to their slow speeds, it’s rare to see these three planets change signs back-to-back.

In my eyes, this major shift in the mid 2020s means we’ll still be dealing with COVID-19 — as a global village — in some fashion until then. That isn’t fear-mongering. It’s just a fact. Some nations will recover much more quickly than others. But, others will need until then to return to something that resembles pre-pandemic life. I also think we will see many COVID-19-related public health measures in effect until early 2024. Astrologically, 2024 is the beginning of the “post-COVID era.”
The author then goes on to describe the future movements of Neptune and Uranus:
Neptune will pay a brief visit to Aries from March 30, 2025 until October 22, 2025. However, it begins its uninterrupted twelve-year sojourn through Aries (considered the official start of the “Neptune in Aries era”) on January 26, 2026.

Uranus will dip its toe in Gemini from July 7, 2025 until November 8, 2025. However, its uninterrupted six-and-a-half-year sojourn through Gemini (considered the official start of the “Uranus in Gemini era”) kicks off on April 26, 2026.
For what it's worth, the author looks back at what happened last time Neptune and Uranus were in these same signs:
Consider these events that happened the last time Neptune was in Aries (1861 to 1875):
  • Opioids (Neptune) are used to treat troops during the Civil War (Aries); many became addicted
  • Formation of the Prohibition Party — essentially a war (Aries) on alcohol (Neptune)
  • The Suez Canal opened, linking the Red and Mediterranean Seas
  • First use of submarines in warfare
  • Introduction of pasteurization — applying heat (Aries) to kill pathogens (Neptune).
  • The 13th Amendment is officially ratified in the United States — compassion toward other human beings (Neptune) is turned into something actionable (Aries).
  • Russia abolishes serfdom (same as above).
  • The American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is founded
  • Formation of the International Red Cross — a pioneering (Aries) organization that helps others (Neptune).
  • The HMS Challenger surveys the deepest point in the oceans
  • Impressionism begins. This art (Neptune) movement is characterized by bold (Aries) colors as well as the inclusion of movement (Aries).
Events that occurred when Uranus transited Gemini from 1858 to 1866:
  • First aerial (Gemini is an air sign) photograph
  • Development and production of first traction engine
  • Production of first gas engine
  • First recording of a human voice
  • Invention (and patent) of attaching an eraser to the end of a pencil
  • Invention of escalator
  • Invention of postcards
  • Invention of quad skates
  • Invention of rotary printing machine
  • Invention of first practical typewriting machine
Events that occurred when Uranus transited Gemini from 1941 to 1949:
  • The first test fights of many operational military jet aircraft
  • Development, and patenting, of first disposable aerosol cans
  • Invention of first “instant” (at that time, 60 seconds) camera: Polaroid. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which is all about speed.
  • Invention of the microwave (very “Gemini,” as a microwave allows for very quick cooking)
  • Invention of the hand dryer (Gemini is an air sign and also rules the hands!)
While this list may be a little facile, I like the idea of looking back at astrological history as a way of making mundane astrology predictions more reliable. 

Looking at the chart in Figure 1, it can be seen that when Pluto enters Aquarius in March of 2023, Saturn has already entered Pisces. It will remain in Pisces until it enters Aries on May 25th 2025.  That two year period should mark a dissolution of many of the old systems and structures of the past as Pluto wipes the slate clean so that humanity can enter a technocratic utopia or dystopia, depending on your point of view.

Figure 2 shows the entry of Saturn into Aries with Neptune and Ceres very near. New structures and systems will emerge, especially regarding food resources (the domain of Ceres).

Figure 2

Interesting times ahead, that's for sure.

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Astrolog Returns

Frustrated with the limitations of Chrome OS Flex on my Mac Book, I installed Ubuntu 20.04 instead. It was then a matter of installing WINE and downloading astrolog.exe. After some tinkering, I was able to get it working although the drop-down menu text is tiny and I can't figure out how to make it larger. Nonetheless it's working but my biggest problem is recovering the astrolog data. I thought I'd backed it up but it appears I hadn't. I'm hoping I can find a backup somewhere. Why didn't I back it up to Google Drive? 

Figure 1 shows the transit picture for 3:29am in Jakarta on March 6th 1953. Venus and Mars are almost exactly conjunct being in 29d38m and 29d41m of Capricorn respectively. The tiny menu bar is visible at the top of the graphic.

Figure 1

If I can't recover my Astrolog data, then I will simply have to rebuild my database that was full of birth details of people that I had long forgotten. There are only a few people whose charts I am really interested in. When I've rebuilt the database, I'll make sure to back it up to Google Drive and also add the information to astrowin.org just to be sure. Figure 2 shows the results of the first entry into the Astrolog database along with the transits.

Figure 2

It's good to have Astrolog back up and running again, because I have total control of what I'm doing. This is not the case with online alternatives where there are more constraints.