Astrological Meanderings: Using Screencastify with Astrolog

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Using Screencastify with Astrolog

I thought I'd experiment with using Screencastify to record actions in Astrolog with accompanying voice commentary. The resulting video looks good when opened in a web browser but uploading to Blogger using the video upload button produced a dreadful result. It seemed to make use of the Adobe Flash plugin which is weird because the webm format that Screencastify uses is meant to work in HTML5 without any plugins. The resulting video was small, dark and using the expand option zoomed the video to what seemed like 200% or more with most of the screen lost.

Fortunately, YouTube rendered the video beautifully and provided the embed code that I've used here. I'm very happy with the result. Technology aside, the purpose of the video was to show the movement of Venus and Mars through Pisces and Aries over the coming couple of months. The planetary positions are shown from January 17th until March 4th when Venus turns retrograde in Aries, almost exactly conjunct my native Sun. At the same time, Mars has just passed my Ascendent. Uranus remains active during the whole time of course.

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