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Astrological Meanderings: The Great Attractor

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

The Great Attractor

In reference to His Tomb, Meher Baba once said:

Seventy years after I drop my body, this place will turn into a place of pilgrimage, where lovers of God, philosophers and celebrities will come to pay homage.

Now Meher Baba dropped His body on January 31st 1969 and seventy years takes us to early 2039. I looked at Baba's chart to note what was happening transit-wise around this time. The most significant aspect to me was the continued crossing and recrossing of His natal Venus by Pluto. This occurs over a time period covering June 2037 to November 2039.

Figure 1

In Figure 1, I've shown that Baba's natal Venus is linked directly (yellow lines) or indirectly (purple lines) to all planets except Uranus (in splendid isolation) and the Chiron/Ceres conjunction. Pluto, representing Rebirth, will act on Venus, The Great Attractor, to draw "lovers of God, philosophers and celebrities" from all over the world and transform Meherabad into a place of worldwide pilgrimage. People will wake up to the reality of Baba, The Great Awakener, and understand His Message.

At the end of 2039, transiting Uranus will be very close to Baba's Descendant and will cross it in early 2040. The progressions for June 2039 show the progressed Moon conjunct natal Venus and progressed Venus/Jupiter conjunct in the fifth house, trine to natal Venus. See Figure 2.

Figure 2

As of 2021, there is a growing but still very limited awareness of Meher Baba within the global population. Baba's prophecy would suggest that there must some dramatic changes in the world over the next eighteen years in order for His name to become more widely known. At the moment, scientism is the new religion and looks set to dominate the 21st century. However, if faith in scientism wanes for whatever reason, people will be looking for something to replace it. For some a return to the religions of the past will be an option but for the majority this will not satisfy. Baba's teachings are ideal for a disillusioned humanity who is seeking spiritual sustenance free of religious dogma. In His own way, Baba will bring about this spiritual awakening.

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