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Astrological Meanderings: June 2019

Tuesday, 11 June 2019


The British pronunciation of minutiae is muh·nyoo·shai whereas the American is mi·noo·shee·uh but in any case the meaning is the same, namely the small, precise, or trivial details of something e.g. "the minutiae of everyday life". In this post, I'm going to consider the minutiae of aspects cast by transiting planets to a natal chart, specifically my own natal chart.

Normally I only consider the transits of the slow moving astrological bodies like Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Sometimes I consider Mars but rarely do I look at the position of Mercury. However, today I had an accident. It wasn't serious but I did stumble at the foot of some steps and sustained some bruising to my knee and ankle.

It was only later that I thought to consider what transits might have been active at the time of my fall which occurred around 5:45pm in Jakarta. Figure 1 is what the transits looked like at the time of my fall.
Figure 1

As it turns out, there was a very appropriate aspect. Transiting Mercury in 11°22' of Cancer in my third house was square to my natal Mars - Venus in 9°16' - 9°10' of Aries and my Sun in 12°47' of Aries. In fact the mid-point of my Mars - Venus and Sun in 11°00' of Aries. 

So little more needs to said but it made me aware of the usefulness of taking note of small incidents instead of always waiting around for big developments involving the slower moving planets. Mercury yesterday at 5:45pm was in 9°46' of Cancer and tomorrow it will be in 12°55' of Cancer, so it moves fairly swiftly.

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Financial Reset

I made the following post and then realised that I'd earlier made a post titled Saturn and Pluto Synodic Cycle  late last year. No matter. In the earlier post I'd focused on Basel whereas in this post I've considered London instead. While there is some overlap, the latest post has some alternative and additional information. It also indicates that the conjunction has been on my mind for some time now.

It seems that the role assigned Donald Trump by his Zionist overlords is to destabilise the world's economic system via trade wars and military tensions. The world economy of course has been in parlous shape since 2008 and it's surprising that the wheels haven't fallen off before now. There must be a major financial reset in the very near future and what better time to trigger it than amidst economic chaos and threats of war.

Israel has never had a US president so compliant to its every demand and it will make full use of him for the remainder of his term in office. With US presidential elections at the end of 2020, a meltdown of the global economy should be expected before then along with a new economic order. The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in mid-January of 2020 is the strongest indicator that I can see for such a development.

I've drawn up a chart for London as the day dawns on Monday, January 13th 2020. The conjunction falls on the Sunday but global markets won't be open then and trading will begin in London later that morning. I've chosen London because historically it was the centre of the world economy and it still plays a very important role. Figure 1 shows a dramatic chart with Mercury, Sun, Saturn and Pluto all conjunct on the rising degree.

Figure 1: dawn in London on January 13th 2020

Interestingly in late November of 2020, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will be closely aligned in Capricorn. The involvement of Jupiter suggests some sort of new direction following the destruction by Pluto of the old economic order, represented by Saturn in Capricorn. However, getting back to the actual conjunction, it should be noted that the latitudes of the two planets are also very close, Saturn being 0°40’ S and Pluto being 0°02’ N. That's a separation of only 0°42'. This should add potency to the conjunction. This can be seen clearly in Figure 2 (taken from this site) in which the proximity of the two planets in terms of both celestial latitude and longitude can be clearly seen. Pluto can move quite some distance north and south of the celestial equator

Figure 2

It's interesting to look back of the last conjunction of these two planets. Figure 2 shows an excerpt from an article about these conjunctions:

There is quite a detailed historic examination of Saturn-Pluto interactions at this site titled:

Synodic Astrology
The Saturn-Pluto Synodic Cycles
A Historical Exploration
1851 - 2020

This is an exploration of the historical events occurring in the previous Saturn-Pluto Synodic Cycles and during the primary phase transitions occurring within those cycles, including the Saturn-Pluto square of 2009-2010.