Astrological Meanderings: 2020

Thursday, 19 November 2020

Forthcoming Jupiter Saturn Conjunction


Jupiter and Saturn will be conjunct on December 21st 2020. To quote this source:

Astronomers use the word conjunction to describe meetings of planets and other objects on our sky’s dome. They use the term great conjunction to describe meetings of Jupiter and Saturn, the two biggest worlds in our solar system. The next great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will be December 21, 2020. It’ll be the first Jupiter-Saturn conjunction since the year 2000, and the closest Jupiter-Saturn conjunction since the year 1623! At their closest, Jupiter and Saturn will be only 0.1 degrees apart. That’s just 1/5 of a full moon diameter. The extra-close Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in 2020 won’t be matched again until the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of March 15, 2080.

According to Astrolog, the conjunction will be exact at 1:17am on December 22nd 2020 in 0°29'07" of Aquarius. The difference in celestial longitude is only 0°06' or 0.1° so it is very close. Of more interest perhaps is the chart for the conjunction at Basel, where most of the economic decisions are made. See Figure 1.

Figure 1

In Basel, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction falls very close to the 7th house cusp with Leo rising, a fitting enough sign for the global elite. The ruler of Leo, the Sun, has just entered Capricorn and is conjunct Mercury on the cusp of the sixth house, representing sacrifice for the greater good. Both Sun and Mercury are in a close semi-sextile aspect the Jupiter-Saturn on the 7th house cusp in Aquarius. It is the common people who are going to feel the brunt of the economic changes that are coming. 

It is a fairly tense chart with few harmonious aspects. Venus, the planet of harmony and equilibrium, makes these aspects:

  • a quincunx aspect to Uranus (0°36')
  • a sesquiquadrate aspect to Mars (0°37')
  • a square aspect to Ceres (1°17')
  • a semisquare to Pluto (1°15')
Note that all other planets lie between Venus and Uranus. The midpoint of these two planets falls in 7°17' of Pisces in the eighth house and close to Ceres in 8°53' of Pisces. Ceres of course rules over food, harvest and the like and so food shortages could well be an issue. Overall it doesn't look too propitious. 

Clearly, the conjunction marks the beginning of a new cycle that will completely reshape humankind. THE GREAT RESET, as it's come to be called, will usher in a perverted AGE OF AQUARIUS in which we are governed by a seemingly omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient technocracy:
... a technological society run through social engineering. Fear is but one manipulation tool. The focus on “science” is another. Anytime someone dissents, they’re simply accused of being “anti-science,” and any science that conflicts with the status quo is declared “debunked science.” The only science that matters is whatever the technocrats deem to be true, no matter how much evidence there is against it. We’ve seen this first hand during this pandemic, as Big Tech has censored and banned anything going against the opinions of the World Health Organization, which is just another cog in the technocratic machine. Source.

Along with the technocracy will be come a ramping up of transhumanism and transgenderism. Saturn and Uranus will be square to each other in February of 2021 and December of 2021 so their interaction will be key to what happens in the coming year. Here is an interesting video that discusses some of these issues:

On a final astronomical note, I came across some interesting statistics in a book that I'm currently reading titled The Big Bang Never Happened by Eric J. Lerner:

The Sun has only 2 percent of the solar system's total angular momentum, while Jupiter, with only one-thousandth the mass, has 70 percent; Saturn has nearly all the rest, about 27 percent.

So the two planets with 97 percent of the solar system's angular momentum will be in conjunction in December. Also of interest is the fact that for the next 120 years, all Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions will fall in air signs:

Figure 2: source

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Equinox of September 22nd 2020

 Figure 1 shows the chart for the equinox that occurs in Jakarta at 8:30pm on September 22nd 2020.

Figure 1
: chart cast for equinox in Jakarta

What stands out is the heavily aspected Moon on the cusp of the eighth house. It is aspected by Mercury, the Sun, Mars, Chiron, Saturn and Uranus. In a mundane chart, the Moon stands for the populace, in this case the citizens of the city of Jakarta. It looks as if they may be under some strain in the coming months. This chart should remain active until the next solstice in late December. The fact that Uranus sits ominously on the Ascendant also suggests some surprises could be in store.

Of course the aspects to the Moon apply worldwide and so it's not just the citizens of Jakarta but humanity in general that may feel oppressed. The passage of the transiting Moon could act as a trigger. For example, the Moon reaches the apex of the T-square on Friday, September 25th and it reaches Uranus on October 4th.

Another noticeable feature of the chart is the YOD formed by Neptune and Jupiter to Venus, the ruler of the chart since Taurus is rising. This site contains some useful information regarding the YOD. Here is an excerpt:
The word "yod" is the name of the tenth letter in the Hebrew alphabet and is said to be the essence of life and the power of the spirit to govern and guide matters of the material world. It's also a Hebrew word that means "hand." An astrological yod is often referred to as "the Finger of God" and has gained fame as a neurotic configuration.
Most descriptions of the YOD focus on natal charts. In general, it would seem that the energy of two planets in sextile (here Jupiter and Neptune) will try to harmonise amidst the tension caused by the two quincunx aspects to the third planet (here Venus). Given the virus concerns, it might play out like this:
  • Jupiter in the Ninth House: a proliferation of legislation, rules and restrictions designed to halt the spread of the alleged virus.

  • Neptune in the Eleventh House: confusion arising by the coordinated efforts of organisations to implement the new measures and control the pushback against them

  • Venus in the Fourth House: domestic harmony is seriously disturbed by these influences from Jupiter and Neptune

The coming months are anxiously awaited.

Thursday, 9 July 2020

First Zionist Conference

In 1897, Basel was chosen by Theodor Herzl as the location for the first World Zionist Congress, and altogether the congress has been held there ten times over a time span of 50 years, more than in any other location. The city is also home to the world headquarters of the Bank for International Settlements. Wikipedia
 Despite some searching, I've been unable to find an exact time for the start of this congress which took place over three days from August 29th to 31st. However, it is known that it started in the morning:


Sunrise on August 29th in Basel took place at 5:44am and so it seems reasonable to draw up a chart for that moment in the absence of an official starting time. Figure 1 shows the chart for the sunrise moment:

Figure 1

Not all will agree but to me it seems clear that the Zionists have taken effective control of the planet via the financial system. Their agenda of a one world government with its headquarters in Jerusalem has not yet been realised. It would seem that this chart should give insight into what they are up to. 
"At Basel I founded the Jewish State. If I said this out loud today, l would be greeted by universal laughter. In five years perhaps, and certainly in fifty years, everyone will perceive it." (Theodor Herzl, 3 September 1897) source
The chart is characterised by three very close pairs of planetary conjunctions:
  • Moon and Jupiter
  • Mercury and Mars
  • Saturn and Uranus
It is the conjunction between Saturn and Uranus that caught my eye, as these planetary energies are quite opposite and nature and, especially in Scorpio, don't bode well. Here is a description of the effects of this conjunction taken from this source and slightly modified:
Saturn – Uranus is a cycle of 45 years characterised by:
  • giving a form, a real expression to the eccentric, unconventional ideas coming from Uranus
  • creating crisis to show the weaknesses of the current system and highlighting the old, obsolete components that must be changed;
  • changing the organisational structure, the organisational process or the manner in which a system is managed
  • creating a social, political vision which should be realistic, practical but at the same time not too conventional
  • fomenting revolutions, protests in order to change the established order, the system in which the world/countries are organised/led
  • upheavals, riots
Noteworthy too is the close trine to this conjunction from Venus in the parochial sign of Cancer, reminding us that the Zionists are out to nurture their own "family" and not the goyim. The harmonious nature of this aspect helps explain the spectacular success that Zionism has enjoyed since the first Zionist conference. 

Obviously this chart needs to be considered in relation to the chart of Israel but this chart came first and it was where, according to Herzl, he founded the Jewish State. Of course, things are never as they seem and a sizeable portion of the conference's delegates were very hostile to Herzl once he explained to them what he'd been up to. I made a post (titled Theodor Herzl: Victim of Talmudic Magic?) on my Alternative News blog about the fate of Theodore Herzl. It is an interesting read. There is also an earlier post of mine titled simply Theodor Herzl.

I won't go into further details about the congress chart at this point but will probably add more observations later on.

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Annular Eclipse of June 21st 2020

The path of the annular eclipse on the summer solstice of June 21st 2020 passes over some sensitive areas as can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1: source

It passes over Yemen, close to the Straits of Hormuz, near the disputed border area between India and China and on to Taiwan. I've drawn up a chart for Taipei which is interesting. See Figure 2.

Figure 2

Scorpio is rising and the ruler, Mars, is in aspect to the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, to Uranus and to the fixed stars of Antares and Aldebaran. The conjunction itself is in quincunx to Saturn with both in aspect to the fixed star Regulus. The placement of Mars in Pisces and its proximity to Neptune an element of either deliberate deception or simple confusion to any events that might be precipitated. The involvement of Uranus suggests surprise and a sudden, unexpected turn of events. In the case of Taiwan, Uranus is near the seventh house cusp, suggestive of the involvement of an enemy.

Meanwhile, here in Jakarta, the conjunction of the Sun and Moon (there is no eclipse visible in Jakarta) occurs around 1:41pm and is shown in Figure 3. The very first degree of Scorpio is rising and Jupiter and Pluto are conjunct the IC.

Figure 3

It will be interesting to see what areas, if any, become more active in the days following this eclipse. I'll return to this post in the near future and make note of any events that seem related to the eclipse.

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Backwards and Forwards

Figure 1

Today is May 12th 2020. On May 14th, Jupiter will become retrograde. Saturn became retrograde on May 11th and Pluto on April 25th. All three will continue their retrograde motion until:

  • Jupiter turns direct on September 12th 2020
  • Saturn turns direct on September 29th 2020
  • Pluto turns direct on October 4th 2020
See Figure 1 for details:

The conjunction of January 12th 2020 involved Mercury, Sun, Ceres, Saturn and Pluto with Jupiter not involved (see my post: In the Time of Corona) at that time but entering upon the scene a little later. My speculation is that the retrograde motion of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in the area of the original conjunction point will mark a loosening of the medical martial law that has been imposed on the population of the planet. The powers-that-ought-not-to-be will analyse the success of their plandemic and prepare for a second wave that will be unleashed in early October of 2020 (as all three planets turn direct).

The orbital period of Ceres, closely associated with harvests and food, is about 4.6 years and so the squares and opposition to the conjunction point in 22° of Capricorn may mark periods of food crises. Ceres almost returns to its original position when it turns stationary retrograde in 21°27' of Capricorn on May 14th 2024 (almost exactly four years from now). 

The synodic period of Saturn and Pluto is between 33 and 37 years and of course Saturn will be casting different aspects to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction point throughout its 29 year cycle of the zodiac. The full impact of what is happening now may only be fully realised about 15 years in the future when Saturn reaches the opposition to the conjunction point. 

Anyway, getting back to October 4th 2020, we note that on that day:
  • Pluto is in 22°29' of Capricorn and thus almost exactly where it was on January 12th 2020
  • Saturn is in 25°22' of Capricorn
  • Jupiter is in 18°09' of Capricorn
The midpoint of Jupiter-Pluto is thus around 21°45' of Capricorn and so very close to Pluto's position. It makes for an impressive sight when compared to the original positions (see Figure 2):

Figure 2

Saturn is very close to the Basel Descendant and for this reasons the restrictions may be more draconian than those applied in the first wave. 

Who knows what may happen? 

Certainly possible are forced vaccinations and removal of persons from their home environment if they are suspected of being infected. 

The tyranny of our psychopathic rulers knows no limits.

Sunday, 8 March 2020

In the Time of Corona

In November of 2018, I wrote about The Saturn and Pluto Synodic Cycle, referencing in particular the January 12th 2020 conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. I wrote:
As near as I can determine, the conjunction will occur at 5:13pm in Basel on January 12th 2020. Why Basel? Well, that's where the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) is located and seeing that it's regarded as the Bank of Banks, then Basel is a reasonable location. It's one hour ahead of Greenwich. The chart is an interesting one and it can be seen immediately that a confluence of synodic cycles is involved because Saturn and Pluto are joined by Mercury, the Sun and Ceres to form a tight and impressive stellium in Capricorn.
Figure 1 shows the chart:
Figure 1: chart cast for the conjunction in Basel 

I continued on by saying:
So it seems to me that January 12th 2020 might be a day when big decisions are made concerning the global economy, a new digital currency perhaps for all the nations of the world. Whatever is decided of course, it will be good for the banksters and not so good for the rest of us. The larger implications of the changes may not become apparent or may not be fully implemented until the time when Saturn reaches the square to Pluto. Saturn's subsequent opposition to Pluto should reveal the full extent and consequences of the earlier initiatives. 
 In June of 2019, I made a post titled Financial Reset in which I wrote:
I've drawn up a chart for London as the day dawns on Monday, January 13th 2020. The conjunction falls on the Sunday but global markets won't be open then and trading will begin in London later that morning. I've chosen London because historically it was the centre of the world economy and it still plays a very important role. Figure 2 shows a dramatic chart with Mercury, Sun, Saturn and Pluto all conjunct on the rising degree.
Figure 2: sunrise in London following the conjunction

I went on to say that:
Interestingly in late November of 2020, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will be closely aligned in Capricorn. The involvement of Jupiter suggests some sort of new direction following the destruction by Pluto of the old economic order, represented by Saturn in Capricorn. However, getting back to the actual conjunction, it should be noted that the latitudes of the two planets are also very close, Saturn being 0°40’ S and Pluto being 0°02’ N.  
The focus in both my posts was on a radical economic restructuring. Of course, I had no idea how this was to take place. It was clear that the global elite would need to create a major crisis in order to justify any really radical measures and trade wars and actual wars were possible candidates. Last year it seemed that both were possible. Dangerous tensions arose between the United States and Iran while at the same time the trade war between the United States and China ramped up significantly. In the end, it was the pandemic scenario that won out.

This was an excellent choice because as can now be seen it is shutting down the entire world and promising economic repercussions of unimaginable proportions. Paper money has been targeted as a vehicle for the transmission of the virus and the days of cash are clearly numbered. The numbers dying from the virus are insignificant on a global scale but it is the hysteria that has been whipped up by mainstream media and even some alternative media, that is of importance. Radical economic restructuring along with medical marshal law and the elimination of paper money is now justified.

In late March of 2020, transiting Mars moves to the midpoint of Saturn and Pluto while Jupiter reaches a conjunction with Pluto. Maybe there will be some significant developments around that time when all the planets will be within a 120° arc stretching from Capricorn to Taurus. Figure 3 shows this.

Figure 3

So it would seem that the Corona virus is a means to an end and that end is financial initially but ultimately it is about CONTROL. Saturn of course is a fitting symbol for CONTROL and Pluto has much to do with the dastardly ways of achieving this. However, the full energy of Pluto cannot be controlled as when the earth trembles and volcanoes erupt. Maybe the global elite will overestimate the degree to which they can control the course of events that have been set in motion.

Thursday, 30 January 2020

Patricia Highsmith

I recently finished Joan Schenkar's biography of the novelist Patricia Highsmith. It was a very interesting read. Figure 1 shows the cover of that book. I've seen four movies that I know of, based on her books. The first is Alfred Hitchcock's 1951 "Strangers on a Train" that I saw many decades ago and just now watched again because I'd forgotten the details completely. The second is "The Talented Mr Ripley", the third is "Carol" based on her novel "The Price of Salt" and the fourth is "The Two Faces of January". Sadly, I've not read any of her books as yet but may get around to doing so
Figure 1: front cover of biography
Some details that emerge from the biography are:
  • she was predominantly a lesbian although she did have some affairs with men
  • she started off writing captions for comics in the 1940's
  • her novels usually involve murder and duality e.g. Tom Ripley impersonating Dickie
  • she had an intense love-hate relationship with her mother
  • she had little contact with her biological father and never liked her step-father
  • she enjoyed sketching, gardening and working with wood (making tables, chairs etc.)
  • her sexual relationships with women were very stormy
  • she travelled relentlessly, especially in her earlier years
  • she was more comfortable living in Europe and was far better known there
  • all of her novels were translated into French, German and other European languages
  • many of her novels were made into movies, either in Hollywood or Europe
  • she drank prodigiously throughout her life (and smoked as well)
  • she ate very little
  • she was parsimonious, although sometimes uncharacteristically generous

Figure 2 shows her chart and I'll try to relate it to some of the dot points I've made earlier.

Figure 2:

Patricia's sexual ambiguity (she felt from an early age that she was a boy) is attributable to Mars conjunct Venus in the fourth house in Pisces. The fourth house represents ones psychological foundations suggesting the male and female principles struggling for supremacy and the boundaries between the two eroded by the amorphous nature of Pisces. She was always at war with herself or her mother, onto whom she tended to project her this inner conflict. She perceived less as a mother figure and more as a rival. She was largely raised by her grandmother for the first six years of her life and she got on well with her (Moon trine Sun).

The struggle between Mars and Venus in her psyche is echoed in the conjunction between Jupiter (her ruling planet) and Saturn in her tenth house, in Virgo. Once again there are two diametrically opposite tendencies in close proximity to each other. This constant tension in herself, that she usually projected into her relationships, was fuel for her novels and whenever she was going through a period of relative equanimity in herself and in her relationships, her productivity would suffer. The pairing of Mercury (ruler of her tenth house) and the Sun on the cusp of the third house is consistent with her career as a novelist.

Her penchant for homicide as a plot element in her novels can be attributed to the close trine between Mars and Pluto (in the eighth house) or the almost exact trine between Pluto and the mid-point of Mars and Uranus. Murder was always on her mind, with sex and death closely interlinked.

Her fondness for gardening and her lifelong interest in woodworking can be attributed to her grand trine in Earth signs, the Sun is in Capricorn, the Moon in Taurus, and Saturn is in Virgo. The Moon in Taurus accounts for the importance she attached to her base or bases of operation. Even though she moved continually between the United States, England and Europe (Sagittarius is rising let's not forget), the houses in which she lived were very important to her.

There is an almost exact quincunx between Neptune and the mid-point of Mars and Venus. Patricia's copious consumption of alcohol was a constant throughout her life and doubtless this aspect contributed to her dependency.

That's enough for now. I'll probably return to this later and add more comments. Here are some snaps of the movies that were made from her books: Figures 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Figure 3: A thriller centred on a con artist, his wife,
and a stranger who flee Athens after one of them is
caught up in the death of a private detective.

Figure 4: A psychopath forces a tennis star to comply with
his theory that two strangers can get away with murder.

Figure 5: In late 1950s New York, Tom Ripley, a young underachiever,
is sent to Italy to retrieve Dickie Greenleaf, a rich and spoiled millionaire playboy.
But when the errand fails, Ripley takes extreme measures.

Figure 6: An aspiring photographer develops an intimate
relationship with an older woman in 1950s New York.

Thursday, 16 January 2020

The Taal Volcano

Many have connected the recent conjunction of Saturn and Pluto to the beginning of a cycle that will produce profound shifts in the global financial system. That may well prove to be the case but in terms of a connection to immediate events, the Taal volcanic eruption in the Philippines is what caught my eye. This volcano is situated 14°00'N and 120°59'E and in the Philippines, the conjunction was exact at 12:12am on Monday 13th January 2020. The volcano began erupting on the Sunday. Figure 1 shows a chart drawn up for that time at the location of the volcano:

Figure 1

The conjunction falls within one degree of the chart's IC. Saturn can be associated with the Earth's crust, marking as it does the "skin" of the planet, and Pluto of course is the seething magma beneath this crust that sometimes breaks through it, as it's attempting to do via the Taal volcano. Note that Mars in the second house throws a sharp semi-square to the conjunction that involves Mercury, Ceres and the Sun as well as Saturn and Pluto. 

A youth living at the foot of Taal volcano rides an outrigger canoe
while the volcano spews ash as seen from Tanauan town in
Batangas province, south of Manila, on January 13, 2020.
Ted Aljibe Getty Images
Here's an excerpt from a recent article describing the volcano:
For the more than 500,000 residents of the exclusion zone around the Philippines’ Taal volcano, which began erupting on Sunday, the coming days will be a tense wait to see if the eruption will intensify—threatening lives and property—or sputter out. If activity ramps up, Taal is capable of producing all three of the deadliest volcanic hazards: tsunamis, mudflows, and superheated flows of gas and debris. Volcanoes are notoriously unpredictable, but there are seismic signs and others that geologists will be watching for indications of what this one will do. Taal is the second most active volcano in the Philippines Islands, which are situated at the confluence of several tectonic plates. Taal’s peak sits at the southern end of the main island of Luzon, about 40 miles south of the nation’s capital, Manila. The entire volcanic complex presents something of a geologic Droste effect (a term used to describe recursive pictures within pictures): a lake fills the main crater, which itself is an island in a larger lake that fills the old caldera that formed after catastrophic eruptions about 500,000 and 100,000 years ago. The volcano has erupted 33 times since 1572—most recently in 1977. Since then, it has seen numerous periods of what volcanologists call unrest—seismic rumblings and up-and-down ground movements indicating that magma and other fluids are shifting below the surface. The quandary for those trying to predict Taal’s next moves is that “sometimes that unrest leads to eruption, and sometimes it doesn’t,” says Michael Manga, a volcanologist at the University of California, Berkeley.
It will be interesting to see how things play out.