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Astrological Meanderings: 2021

Monday, 15 November 2021


I've long known of the fixed star Algol's evil reputation but was reminded of it again only today when I watched the following video about the lunar eclipse on November 19th of the current year (2021). A transcript of the video can be found at the end of this post.

The author of the video points out that the Moon, at the time of the coming eclipse, will be conjunct Algol. Figure 1 shows a chart drawn up for the time of the eclipse in Jakarta:

Figure 1

As can be seen, the eclipse occurs in the fixed signs of Taurus and Scorpio with Jupiter located near the apex of a T-square in Aquarius. Mars is located earlier in Scorpio than the Moon but will pass over its position (and Algol) on December 9th, which the author of the video says may be the time when the full effects of the eclipse manifest.

I was surprised to find that Algol is not listed among the fixed stars whose positions can be displayed in Astrolog (which is may I had to manually insert it into Figure 1). I used Stellarium to locate the celestial latitude and longitude of Algol. See Figures 2 and 3.

Figure 2

Figure 3

Much has been written about Algol and its malign influence but astronomically the star is quite interesting as well:
Fixed star Algol, Beta Persei, is a 2.1 magnitude, rare triple star and eclipsing binary, located in the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus Constellation. The name Algol comes from Al Ghoul, an Arabic word رئيس الغول  meaning  Head of the Ogre. The English translation became Demon Star, with other names being Satan’s Head, the Spectre’s Head. Algol appears to blink ... every 69 hours, its magnitude dipping for about 10 hours before returning to full brightness again.

Algol, alias Caput Medusa, is the Demon herself. Indeed she is, without doubt, counted the most malefic of all stars in astrology ... Medusa’s Head, the meaning of the Latin title, is being held in Perseus’s hand, which is star β in his constellation. It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence.

Algol represents the head of the Gorgon Medusa who was slain by Perseus. Medusa, who was the only mortal one of the three Gorgon sisters, was originally a beautiful maiden, but her hair was changed into hissing serpents by Minerva in consequence of her having become by Neptune the mother of Chrysaor and Pegasus in one of Minerva’s temples. This gave her so fearful an appearance that everyone who looked at her was changed into stone. Source.

The final paragraph in the above quote has connotations of genetic modification that are quite relevant in today's era of "gain of function" research and release. It will be interesting to see how things play out over the next three weeks. I'm sure our psychopathic overlords are planning something special for Christmas.

In conclusion, it is to be noted that:
(The eclipse) will also be the longest lunar eclipse in 580 years, lasting about 3 hours, 28 minutes and 23 seconds, and also the longest this century ... (it) will fall just shy of being total; 97.4% of the moon's diameter will become immersed in the Earth's dark umbral shadow at maximum eclipse, leaving just the southernmost limb ever-so-slightly beyond the outer edge of the umbra. Source.

Transcript from video:

hi i'm Joni petrie today i want to talk
about the month of November and we have
some very significant events that are
about to happen in the month of November
one of the main features that i always
look to as an astrologer are eclipses
and we will be having the lunar eclipse
in November on November 19th
this will set up a whole array of
major emotional changes
around the world i've been talking a lot
about the grand
finale what do i mean by that really
what i mean is everything has been
mounting and building
over the past year of 2021
and now everything comes to the
combination point with a major
this will probably be more like in the
month of December and January that we're
going to feel it the most but let me
just tell you
November is the month you're going to
see the direction it's all going in
as we approach the eclipse season what
they are is actually when the sun and
the moon come together with Rahu and Ketu
Rahu being the north node of the moon
and Ketu being the south node of the moon
how powerful is that think about what
the sun and moon represent
they represent the male the female the
whole entire set up here on planet earth
mother father night day
positive negative forces
and i don't mean negative in a bad way i
mean this is the electric charges of
things we have to have this polarity
that makes the world go round
but considering what an eclipse is
eclipses are when you have the darkening
of the light of the light of the sun or
the light of the moon and in that
darkness always
something is revealed when we go into
that darkness think symbolically we
darken and we go into that quiet
darkness where all the secrets and
things can become uncovered
then we have the return of the light
comes back
so in that darkness things are revealed
that we did not know now this goes to
what's going on globally in the world
and it's about time we get some answers
here right
it also applies to your life personally
there will be something that will be
revealed to you
that you didn't know about in your life
that will give your life great
understanding and meaning so look to
these eclipses as something powerful so
the lunar eclipse that happens
the 19th of November
three degrees of taurus which is
extraordinarily meaningful
but then again two weeks following
December 4th we're going to have the
solar eclipse
and this is going to really between
those two week periods bring to light
something that will be
very surprising i might say shocking to
the world so watch how this all unfolds
but going back to this lunar eclipse
that happens on the 19th of November
what i think is going to really be
a lot
world leaders
are going to show their true colours
of their
losing their head
explosions of emotion why do i say that
three degrees of taurus where we will
have this
lunar eclipse full moon
is exactly conjunct the fixed star Algol
and this is considered to be the most
and the most destructive
fixed star of the heavens this is
astrology the language of the stars this
is said to be
the most violent
they say it represents decapitation
this is huge that the lunar eclipse
happens on this star
so what does that mean decapitation it
means losing your head losing your
temper being out of control
you better watch in your own life don't
let this affect you
in such a negative way as it could
keep your cool keep your calm
and always ask
yourself do i have control over this
situation if you do do something about
but let me just say you're going to see
people in the news people that rule
losing it
this is what this is going to bring
about and you know what always happens
out of that i must say
the truth comes out
once something is comes to an explosive
then the clearing reveals what it was
all about
this is what's finally happening
at this time
moving into December but as we move into
December let me just give you fair
mars is going to be going into scorpio
triggering where the eclipses are
through December and January and this is
going to be
well let me just say it could be very
and i have been predicting that this
year of 2021
we'll have the remnants
of war
because people are losing it people are
angry people have been frustrated they
have not been told the truth in so many
instances and we know it now
it used to be that we didn't know
the media everything was preventing
things from coming out now people have
the freedom to really explore what's
because we have the internet because we
all of these aspects of social media
that we can truly see what's been
happening behind the scenes under the
surface and now
well i gotta say a lot of people don't
have a lot of trust in their leaders
anymore based on what they are seeing
so throughout this month of November we
have one thing and another
occurring continually leading up to the
finale as i've been calling it so we
have this new opening
an opening to truth and opening to
awareness and opening to awakening to
the truth been talking about this for a
what a time to be on planet earth to see
all the revelations and the changes
finally coming about
yes we had things a lot calmer before
but we were all asleep before
now we see the reality and the truth of
it all what's behind the scenes
and now
there is so much opportunity for
spiritual growth
and let me talk about what i feel the
month of November how you can use this
for your highest good
especially probably one of the most
meaningful holidays we celebrate in the
united states called thanksgiving it
will be November 25th
it's always on the fourth Thursday of
the month i think it's very meaningful
as well that it's on a Thursday
because Thursday is Jupiter's day
and Jupiter is the planet that deals
with spirituality deals with higher
mindedness truth and there's nothing
more higher mindedness than to come from
a place
thanksgiving is a holiday that we
celebrate in the United States
it's actually
our birthday in
essence for the United States of America
here's what it's truly about this
holiday everyone comes together in a
family family and friends come together
and we celebrate
what we're thankful for
how beautiful is that
this empowers your life in ways beyond
comprehension you see when we come from
a place of gratitude what happens is
that energy that we put out in terms of
and telling people how grateful we are
and how much we love them
what you put out
is always what's returned back
this is the law of the universe that is
why we're here
we're not here to hate and be angry and
resentful we are here to love
be compassionate
and heal

Monday, 1 November 2021

Moon Out Of Bounds

There is actually a site titled OUT OF BOUNDS ASTROLOGY that discusses the topic of the Moon being "out of bounds", defining it to be when "the declination of the moon in a chart is greater than 23 degrees and 27 minutes north or south". Declination measures the angular distance of an object north or south of the Celestial Equator, the maximum declination of the Sun being ±23°27'. North declination is regarded as positive and south as negative. This is depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1

The site gives this explanation of Moon out of bounds on the psychology of an individual:
If you or someone you know has a moon out of bounds–found predominantly in the signs of Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius, and Capricorn–they are likely to exist emotionally in a realm outside of traditional expectations. The emotional outlaw, one with a moon out of bounds tends to make their own rules concerning how to feel about/react to a given stimulus. If living within the bounds of societal constructs, they often tire of dominant trends and experience a pull to escape to a new or remote place. In the city or the country, these are the people who live on society’s fringes in some way or another.
Another site, FORREST ASTROLOGY, notes that:
Earth’s angle of tilt varies over very long scales of time, but it is currently at about 23°28′ according to the Solar Fire Help files. Wikipedia gives 23°26′ ... This maximum limit of 23°28′ declination, south or north, applies rigidly to the Sun. But not to the Moon or the planets. They can go beyond it. Mercury and Mars can reach 27° and Venus can, occasionally, go a degree further. The rest tend to stay within the tropics.

Figure 2 illustrates the situation where the Moon is out of bounds and where it is not.

Figure 2

So interestingly, Mercury, Venus and Mars can also be out of bounds, not just the Moon. The author of the site then goes on to say this about the effects of this lunar phenomenon on an individual:

What does it mean astrologically for the Moon to be Out of Bounds? Start with one merrily anarchic notion: when the Moon’s declination exceeds 23°28′ North or 23°28′ South, it has escaped the physical space dominated by the gravitational “boss” of the solar system, the Sun.

Let the metaphors free-associate.

The Moon is then, in other words, out of the King’s sight. No longer under Daddy’s thumb. We might say that has moved beyond the Pale. Gone out of control. Or gone wild. It has broken the rules. It has shattered the boundaries, broken the mould, crossed the Rubicon. Bravely, or drunkenly, the Moon has said, “Roll the dice.”

The Out of Bounds Moon is spontaneous, emancipated, liberated, released in its own recognisance, and utterly on its own. It has loudly proclaimed, “You can take this job (. . . marriage, church, obligation, moral principle, town, duty . . .) and shove it.” The Moon has claimed its genius, its passion, and its right to be itself. No need to obfuscate, to be diplomatic, or to lie to anyone anymore—unless you feel like it. No more coprophagous grin. No need to worry about staying in anyone’s good graces. Out of Bounds, the Moon no longer plays the game. It rejects all rules that are not of its own making. “Free at last, free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are finally free at last!,” said Martin Luther King, Jr.

The words stir the blood. But we need to let them stir the mind as well.

Structure, discipline, and a world in which our actions have consequences—these are not purely negative things. Society and its values can have a steadying effect upon us, even when we feel frustrated by them. The Out of Bounds Moon, like everything else in astrology, has an unpleasant, dangerous side as well as a divine purpose. Its dark side is sociopathic, even criminal—or merely selfish and insensitive to others. It can be cold, even inhuman.

You may detect some of the underlying spirit of the planet Uranus and the sign Aquarius in these words. That is quite accurate. In my experience, an Out of Bounds Moon has distinctly Aquarian quality. We see the familiar Uranian “holy trinity” at work—the Genius, the Revolutionary and the Criminal. All three of them stand outside the normal structure of society, applying leverage to it—and meeting resistance, condemnation, and consequences for it.

As with Aquarian or Uranian influences, the Out of Bounds Moon often thrusts alienating circumstances upon a person from outside. This is of course the classic working of synchronicity—what we meet (or fail to face) in our inner world is encountered in the “random” realities of our outer lives.

Inwardly, the Out of Bounds Moon often correlates with feelings of being an outsider, of not fitting in, of not having a place in this world. This can be painful—and it can also lead to an attitude of not giving a damn. Or to passivity. Or to resentment. And to radical forms of existential creativity.

The site's author also discusses the frequency with which Moon out of bounds occurs: 
More broadly, there are some years in which many babies are born with Out of Bounds Moons, and some years in which none at all are. This is related to the 18.6 year retrograde cycle of the Moon’s orbital plane—what creates the lunar nodes. (9) We will spare you the details, but here is the bottom line. Every 18.6 years, the Moon reaches its maximum possible declination of 28.5E, a full five degrees outside the tropics. In the years halfway between, we get a kind of “low tide” effect, with the Moon never getting more than 18.5E from the celestial equator. Under those latter conditions the Out of Bounds Moon cannot exist at all. No one born in those years has one.

Thus, over the time-scale of 18.6 years, about half the people born might have an Out of Bounds Moon and about half them could not possibly have one. Furthermore, some of the “good” years for Out of Bounds Moons are more productive than others. That is because times when the Moon goes further Out of Bounds, it stays that way for longer as well. The odds improve.

Even in the “good” years, every couple of weeks the Moon’s monthly orbit brings it back “within bounds” as it passes through the neutral ground between maximum northern and maximum southern declination. It may, in other words, be wildly Out of Bounds in one person’s natal chart—but in the chart of a person born just a week later, the Moon is in 0E declination, as normal as vanilla ice cream. But then a week after that, it is wildly Out of Bounds again.

You really have to calculate it, is the bottom line.

Remembering all our caveats, here are the absolute peak years for Out of Bounds Moon births in living memory: 1913, 1931-32, 1950, 1969, 1987-88, 2006. We will have another one in 2024-25. Remember to give it at least a couple of years on either side. During those years a lot of kids were born with Out of Bounds Moons. But they were mixed in with a large population of more steady, conventional types. Looking at those years, note how the correlations with periods of social unrest and social creativity are rather unmistakable. As ever in astrology, what is “in the air” at given moment lives on for decades longer in holographic form in the children.
The author has a lot more to say on the topic so it's best to go the site and read it all. Another site of interest that I discovered is an Out of Bounds Planet Calculator. Once a date of birth is entered, the determination is made as to what planets were out of bounds at birth but also when progressed planets ceased to be out of bounds and became out of bounds. According to the calculator, it turns out that my Moon was out of bounds at the time of my birth. Here are the details:

Date of Birth: 04/03/49
Natal Out-of-Bounds Planets
Moon     24.59
Progressed Out-of-Bounds Status
Age 5
Moon ceased to be out-of-bounds.
Age 13
Moon became out-of-bounds.
Age 18
Moon ceased to be out-of-bounds.
Age 27
Moon became out-of-bounds.
Age 32
Moon ceased to be out-of-bounds.
Mercury became out-of-bounds.
Age 40
Moon became out-of-bounds.
Age 45
Moon ceased to be out-of-bounds.
Age 51
Mercury ceased to be out-of-bounds.
Age 55
Moon became out-of-bounds.
Age 56
Venus became out-of-bounds.
Age 60
Moon ceased to be out-of-bounds.
Age 68
Moon became out-of-bounds.
Age 72
Moon ceased to be out-of-bounds.
Age 80
Venus ceased to be out-of-bounds.
Age 82
Moon became out-of-bounds.
Age 87
Moon ceased to be out-of-bounds.
Age 95
Moon became out-of-bounds.
Age 98
Mars became out-of-bounds.
Age 100
Moon ceased to be out-of-bounds.

Interesting stuff. However, astro.com provides additional tables for birth charts that show the declinations of natal planets. This reveals that my natal Moon is not out of bounds at all. See Figure 3.

Figure 3

As can be seen, the Moon is listed as being at a declination of 22°54'30'' N. This is close to the limit of 23°27' but not outside it. Only Uranus at 23°37'17"N and Pluto at 24°1'0''N are out of bounds. The problem with the Out of Bounds Planet Calculator can be seen in Figure 4:

Figure 4

As can be seen, there is no input for time or place, only the date. This is not good enough in the case of the Moon because it moves so swiftly. I was born at about 6:56am and I suspect that later in the day, the Moon did move out of bounds. However, when I was born, it was clearly within bounds. Thus all the other data from the Out of Bounds Planet Calculator is to be treated with suspicion.

Astrolog is the program that I use for my astrology calculations and I was curious to see if it would display the declinations of planets. At first sight it doesn't but there is a command line switch -sr0 that instructs the program to display declinations instead of latitudes (the default). The output is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5

As can seen, the results are the same as those shown in Figure 3, when taken to the nearest minute. Further investigation, using Astrolog, shows that the Moon had a declination of 23°28' N at 10:40am on the day of my birth and only then was it out of bounds.

Once again, Astrolog has shown its capabilities, albeit latent in this case, which is all the more remarkable given that the program was developed in 1994 or possibly earlier.

Sunday, 29 August 2021

Comparative Planetology

Figure 1 shows a screenshot of a cool animation depicting the rotation, tilt and relative sizes of the planets in the solar system. Click here for the animation.

Figure 1: source

What is doesn't depict of course are the orbits of the planets, their eccentricities and the angle that these orbits make the plane formed by the Earth's orbit. Figure 2 is shows a table of eccentricities along with perihelions and aphelions (closest and furthest approaches to the Sun).

Figure 2: source

Notice how the perihelion of Pluto takes it inside the orbit of Neptune. Ceres is not listed in the table but it has an eccentricity of 0.0758 with an angle of inclination to the plane of the Earth's orbit of 10.59°. Here is a YouTube video that explains these angles inclination and is fact part of a 33 episode series on comparative planetology.

Figure 3 displays the values of these planetary inclinations:

Figure 3: source

One could well ask what is the relevance to Astrology of all this astronomical detail? Let's use the planetary orbital inclinations to address this question. The angles correspond in an astrological chart to the maximum possible celestial latitudes, both North and South, that a planet can have. Figure 4 shows today's celestial longitudes.

Figure 4: from Astrolog

As can be seen, the celestial latitude of the Sun is 0°00' as it should be because the ecliptic plane from which the angles are measured is defined by the Earth's path around the Sun. Notice how all the absolute values of all the latitudes conform with the values shown in Figure 3. The North Node of the Moon is where the Moon's orbit intersects the Ecliptic and so its value, like that of the Sun, is always 0°00'. The orbit of the Moon itself has an inclination of 5.145°. The orbit of Chiron has an eccentricity of 0.3823 and an inclination of 6.93°. Like the Moon, all the planets, centaurs, asteroids and dwarf planets have north and south nodes where their orbits intersect the plane of the ecliptic. Some astrologers take these nodes into account but most don't.

The point is that these angles are commonly displayed in an astrological chart for a reason and that is that two coordinates (celestial latitude and longitude) are needed to define an astronomical body's position. Much attention is given to the longitude. For example in Figure 4, it can be seen that Mercury is in 27°37' of Virgo. Far less attention is given to the latitude but when planets are conjunct both in terms of latitude and longitude, this aspect can be particularly potent. One has only to look back to mid-January of 2020 to realise this. See Figure 5.

Figure 5: from Astrolog

It was the spectacular conjunction in Capricorn, occurring in January 13th/14th of 2020, that marked the onset of the Covid pandemic. Notice how the positions of the Sun and Pluto differ by only 0°01' of longitude and that Pluto's latitude is -0°40' (0°40' of south latitude). Remember that Pluto's latitude ranges between -17° and +17° but at this time it was almost zero. Similarly Saturn was not only a mere 0°04' away from an exact conjunction with the Sun but it was also only 0°02' away from the plane of the ecliptic. It is the closeness, in terms of both latitude and longitude of the planets involved in this conjunction, that made it so potent. Its effects will be felt for decades to come.

All the astronomical details concerning the planets are relevant in some way astrologically. To take another example, it has always struck me how Venus, the planet of harmony, and its higher octave Neptune, both have orbits that almost perfectly circular. This means that the eccentricities of their orbits are almost zero (0.007 and 0.009 respectively). Astrologers must know their astronomy, first and foremost before anything else.

Monday, 16 August 2021

Space, Time and Cosmic Cycles

I watched an interesting video by Randall Carlson titled Hidden Mathematics: Ancient Knowledge of Space, Time and Cosmic Cycles:

There was an interesting section of the video which I took a screenshot of and which I've displayed in Figure 1:

Figure 1

What struck me was that One Decan of the Great Year constitutes 720 solar years, equivalent to 10 days, 240 hours or 1440 minutes of a Sacred Year (the Great Year viewed in terms of 365.25 days). I was reminded of Meher Baba's words:
My next advent, after I drop this body, will be after 700 years, and that will mark the end and the beginning of a cycle of cycles. All cycles of time in illusion end and begin after 700 to 1400 years. There have been and will be millions and billions of such cycles in a cycle of cycles. Thus, there is no end to illusion, which always remains illusion. Lord Meher.
Baba's time span of 700 and 1400 years correspond closely to length of one and two decans of the Great Year. Three decans constitute an Astrological Age such as the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius. The shape associated with the decan is the tetrahedron that has four triangular faces, each with 180°, making for a total of 720°. See Figure 2.

Figure 2

It's interesting how four of the five Platonic solids are linked to the Great Year, with the icosahedron being linked to the 3600 year Saros cycle. Most the major catastrophes over the past 150,000 years have occurred as the vernal equinox enters the constellation of Leo or Aquarius. The last one occurred about 12,900 years before the present era. See Figure 3.

Figure 3

The video also reminds us of the prominence of the number 108 in the dimensions of the Sun the Moon and their distances from Earth. See Figure 4.

Figure 4

Randall Carlson also makes the point that its important to retain awareness of the old systems of measurement. If we used only the metric system then a lot would be lost. We can thank the United States for retaining use of some of the old Imperial measurements.

Friday, 13 August 2021

Planetary Associations

In this post, I want to look at planetary associations, particularly those between Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn as well as the luminaries (Sun and Moon). The first association I'll examine is that of metals. What metals are associated with what planets. 


To quote from "Letters and Numbers Book" by Zachary K. Hubbard:

To the Greeks, the word planet meant “wanderer”, and they earned this name because they were the only objects in the sky wandering to the naked eye. It is for these 7- heavenly bodies that we have the 7-days of the week, as we learned about in Chapter 5. In Alchemy, the sun is associated with gold, the moon with silver, Mars with iron, Mercury with quicksilver (what we commonly call mercury), Jupiter with tin, Venus with copper, and Saturn with lead. Above all, notice it is the sun representing gold, and Saturn

representing Lead. The moon representing silver is also fascinating and later you will learn about The Wizard of Oz and why Dorothy wore silver slippers on the yellow brick (gold) road in the book version of the story, which is entirely related. Dorothy and Toto aside, most commonly in Alchemy you will hear the reference of Lead into Gold, meaning from one end of the spectrum to the opposite, playing on the principle of Polarity. As we mentioned earlier, it is the sun that is 93-million-miles from earth, the true keeper of time, and it is ‘Saturn’, the most distant of the planets to the ancients and having Ordinal Gematria of 93 that is considered to be the keeper of time by the occult. Understand, it is no coincidence that these two heavenly objects, the bookends of time of the 7-Luminaries, represent Gold and Lead in this ancient study, and share overlap in letters and numbers. Instead, it is a reminder of duality, and how everything in this world has an equal and an opposite. 

Figure 1 summarises this information in a table:

Figure 1: source

In terms of atomic number (the number of protons in the nucleus), we have:

  •  Au Gold: 79 
  •  Ag Silver: 47
  • ♂︎Fe Iron: 26
  •  Hg Mercury: 80
  •  Sn Tin: 50
  • ♀︎Cu Copper: 29
  •  Pb Lead: 82
Figure 2 shows the position of these metals in the Periodic Table:

Figure 2: source

Of the atomic number of the planets is not related to their numbers as derived from Gematria, mentioned in the earlier quote. This brings us to our second association: what numbers are associated with the various planets when Gematria is applied to their English names? 


There are various ciphers that can be applied and all of them are accessible via an Internet site called Germatrinator. I'm going to use Ordinal, Reduced Ordinal, Ordinal Reversed, Reduced Ordinal Reversed and English Extended. See the previous link for a detailed explanation of these ciphers. Figure 3 shows the results for the Sun.

Figure 3: source

Figures 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 shows the results for the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.

Figure 4: source

Figure 5: source

Figure 6: source

Figure 7: source

Figure 8: source

Figure 9: source

The English Extended cipher is closest to the Greek and Hebrew system of assigning values to numbers. In this system, once ten is reached the progression is 20, 30 etc. until 100 is reached after which the progression is 200, 300 etc. The English Ordinal is probably the most straight forward cipher with numbers assigned as A=1, B=2 etc. until Z=26 is reached, after which the numbering returns to 1. In Full Reduction, 10 is treated as 1, 11 as 2 etc. For these three ciphers, the results are:
  • Sun: 450 and 54 and 9 - common digital root of 9 with 450 being a reflection of 54
  • Moon: 210 and 57 and 21 - common digital root of 3
  • Mars: 231 and 51 and 15 - common digital root of 6 with 51 being a reflection of 15
  • Mercury: 1228 and 103 and 40 - common digital root of 4
  • Jupiter: 684 and 99 and 36 - common digital root of 9
  • Venus: 855 and 81 and 18 - common digital root of 9 with 81 being a reflection of 18
  • Saturn: 741 and 93 and 21 - common digital root of 3
The digital roots of all three numbers must always be the same. Reflections are important in gematria, hence my comments above. The Reverse Ordinal and Reverse Full Reduction are the same as their non-reverse counterparts except that counting starts from Z and proceeds toward A. Again, digital roots for both are the same. However, the results for the Moon (51 and 15) are the same for Mars listed earlier which is a bit confusing. It's probably better to ignore the Reverse ciphers when it comes to the planets.


Another association of interest are the magic squares and their associated magic constants. Figures 10 and 11 show the magic squares of the various planets and luminaries.

Figure 11: source

So to summarise, the magic constants for the planets and luminaries:
  • Sun: 111
  • Moon: 369
  • Mars: 65
  • Mercury: 260
  • Jupiter: 34
  • Venus: 175
  • Saturn: 15


Another association is that between the planets and the days and hours of the week. As this Wikipedia article explains:
The planetary hours are an ancient system in which one of the seven classical planets is given rulership over each day and various parts of the day. Developed in Hellenistic astrology, it has possible roots in older Babylonian astrology, and it is the origin of the names of the days of the week as used in English and numerous other languages.

The classical planets are Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon, and they take rulership over the hours in this sequence.

The sequence is from slowest- to fastest-moving as the planets appear in the night sky, and so is from furthest to nearest in the planetary spheres model. This order has come to be known as the "Chaldean order".

As each day is divided into 24 hours, the first hour of a day is ruled by the planet three places down in the Chaldean order from the planet ruling the first hour of the preceding day, that is a day with its first hour ruled by the Sun ("Sunday") is followed by a day with its first hour ruled by the Moon ("Monday"), followed by Mars ("Tuesday"), Mercury ("Wednesday"), Jupiter ("Thursday"), Venus ("Friday") and Saturn ("Saturday"), again followed by Sunday, yielding the familiar naming of the days of the week.
In other words:
Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, MoonSaturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, ...
This same system works for the hours of the day as shown in Figure 12:

Figure 12: source


Yet another association is that between the planets and the human body. Figure 13 summarises information about this:

Figure 13: source

There's are many other associations of course but this post is at least an introduction to the topic. I may add some additional information at a later date.

Friday, 16 July 2021

Aphelion of Chiron

I wrote about Chiron in a post titled A Closer Look at Chiron in anticipation of its entry into Aries on April 17th 2018. In that post I included a quote:

Chiron's role is often associated with new discoveries in the health field and medicinal arts; and classically, Chiron is often called "the wounded healer", a term coined by Carl G. Jung, having been accidentally shot with a poisoned arrow by Heracles. Chiron works with the subtle resonances of neurological communication that make not only neurological functions possible, but also medical and healing modalities and technologies that incorporate subtle resonances, those transcendent to physical phenomenology (Radionics is a good example). Chiron is found to be significant in astrological charts associated with new medical discoveries, inventions, and new technologies or modalities in the heath-care field; and is often prominently placed in the charts of people involved with such discoveries and of those involved in the healing art-sciences.

During its time in Aries, Chiron will be at its slowest orbital velocity and at its furthest distance from the Sun. I searched high and low but can't find exactly when aphelion occurs but suffice to say that, while in Aries, its position is at its closest to the orbit of Uranus. See Figure 1.

Figure 1

It's clear at this point in the pandemic that the "medical establishment" has forfeited all credibility. Many brave doctors and nurses and other health professionals have spoken out against the medical tyranny being imposed on humanity. The warnings have been sounded but few have heard because of the draconian censorship of the media. 

The poisoned arrow that wounded Chiron reminded me of the jab or kill shot as some are calling it. Let's review the mythology surrounding that arrow a little closer:

Chiron was the most important Centaur in Greek mythology, famous for his teaching ability. He was the son of the Titan god Cronus and the nymph Philyra. Although centaurs had the upper body of a man and the lower body of a horse, Chiron's front legs were also human, showing that he was different and higher in class than the rest. Other differences between Chiron and his brethren were that he was far more civilised in nature, not indulging in drinking and being overcome with lust. He had superior knowledge, and he had a different lineage to the other centaurs, who were created by the union of Ixion and Nephele. He lived on Mount Pelion with his consort, the nymph Chariclo, with whom he had three daughters, Hippe, Endeis, and Ocyrhoe; as well as a son, Carystus. His students included famous heroes and gods of the Greek myths, such as Asclepius, Ajax, Achilles, Theseus, Jason, Peleus, Perseus, and even Heracles and Phoenix. 
His death was the result of events that started when Heracles visited the centaur Pholus in his cave, while trying to complete the fourth task described in the Labours of Heracles. The two individuals had supper and Heracles asked for wine. Pholus opened a bottle of sacred wine given to him by Dionysus, but the smell attracted the other centaurs from the nearby area. The centaurs attacked in an effort to take the wine, but Heracles killed many of them using poisoned arrows. One of those arrows hit Chiron by mistake. Chiron was immortal and could not die, but the poison caused unbearable pain to him. So, he happily gave up his immortality in exchange for Prometheus' freedom, when he was asked to do so by Heracles. Chiron then took a space on Mount Olympus along with the gods. 
Source: https://www.greekmythology.com/Myths/Creatures/Chiron/chiron.html

The "poisoned arrows" that many of humanity are receiving now are killing some and those who survive will be permanently wounded. As the truth about the vaccines emerges, those who survive will seek to heal themselves. Any remaining faith in the medical establishment will be shattered and all trust in allopathic medicine lost. The poisons peddled by the pharmaceutical companies will be shunned and the damaged will look for genuine healing alternatives.

These alternatives have always been there but they have lived in the shadow of allopathic medicine for over a century. Finally, they will emerge into the light of day and receive the attention they deserve. Maybe. It's too early to tell how all this will play out.

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Periodicity of Mars-Venus Conjunctions

I wrote explicitly about Mars-Venus conjunctions in a post titled Mars-Venus on January 27th 2017. However, I've also referred to the topic in Synodic Periods on March 30th 2017 and Mars: A Close Approach and Retrograde Motion of Planets on August 4th 2018. Today (July 13th 2021), when Mars is once again conjunct Venus, I thought it was time to revisit the topic. In this conjunction, the latitudes of these two planets are very close, 1°39' versus 1°11' north latitude. Their longitudes become identical 19°48'57" at 8:33pm, Jakarta time. See Figure 1.

Figure 1

Adapted from Stellarium, Figure 2 shows the view from Jakarta looking to the West about 6:30pm on July 13th 2021. The star Regulus is quite near to the Moon, being at a latitude of 0°08' of Virgo.

Figure 2

This would be the first of three conjunctions of Venus and Mars. The next two conjunctions of Mars and Venus are slated to take place on February 12, 2022 and March 12, 2022. These three form what is called a triple conjunction defined as:
A triple conjunction is an astronomical event where two planets or a planet and a star meet each other three times in a short period, either in opposition or at the time of inferior conjunction, if an inferior planet is involved. The visible movement of the planet or the planets in the sky is therefore normally prograde at the first conjunction, retrograde at the second conjunction and again prograde at the third conjunction. Source.

Figure 3 shows another view of what the first conjunction might look like:

Figure 3

Venus-Mars repeated conjunctions occur every 32 years (plus 0.5 to 4.5 days). During that time, 15 to 17 different conjunctions occur with nearly each one repeating in turn. Some series last >1200 years (up to 40 events). Others are considerably shorter. At the beginning and end of these series, the interval can be one week longer than 32 years. The reason why this happens is because for nearly every 20 times Venus returns to its similar position in the sky, Mars completes almost 15 returns. If these cycles were exactly whole numbers, the repeated conjunctions would last much longer.

This can be confirmed by looking ahead to 2053 and seeing how Mars and Venus are positioned. We find that Mars and Venus are again conjunct in 23°26' of Leo at 7.42pm on July 14th 2053. This is less than 4° from the July 13th 2021 position in 19°49' of Leo. See Figure 4. Remarkable!

Figure 4: Mars-Venus conjunction 2053

Going back to 1989, we find the the two planets were conjunct in 16°17' of Leo at 12:21am on July 13th 1989. This  is about 3.5° behind the 2021 position. See Figure 5.

Figure 5: Mars-Venus conjunction 1989

Monday, 28 June 2021

\text{C}/2014 \text{ UN}_{271} (Bernardinelli-Bernstein)

On June 21st 2021, Anton Petrov posted a video on his YouTube channel titled Woah! Giant Comet/Minor Planet Is Approaching From Oort Cloud

It has an extremely elliptical orbit with a period of millions of years but within ten years this object will pass near the orbit of Saturn. It is already within the orbit of Neptune. It is a sizeable object, over a hundred kilometres in diameter, and may even qualify as a dwarf planet. 

There is further information in this article from which I'll quote the opening paragraphs:
Astronomers sifting through data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) have spotted a large Oort Cloud object approaching the outer regions of the solar system.

The discovery has caused ripples of excitement within the planetary science community because of the object’s unusually large size – initial estimates suggest it may be as big as 130–160 km across, substantially bigger than some of the largest comets. Studying the object could also give researchers insights into an enigmatic process in the solar system.

Catalogued as C/2014 UN271, the wandering visitor was found in archival data captured by the DES project, which investigates the cosmological mystery of dark energy by photographing distant galaxies. 

There is more information on Wikipedia:

C/2014 UN271 (Bernardinelli-Bernstein), or simply 2014 UN271, is a large Oort cloud comet discovered by astronomers Pedro Bernardinelli and Gary Bernstein in archival images from the Dark Energy Survey. When first imaged in October 2014, the object was 29 AU (4.3 billion km) from the Sun and almost as far as Neptune's orbit. As of 2021, it is currently approaching the Sun at a distance of 20.2 AU (3.0 billion km) and will reach its perihelion of 10.9 AU (just outside of Saturn's orbit) in January 2031.

So far, there is nothing I can find in the astrological literature about it but I'll keep an eye out for some information. I guess its point of perihelion, reached in January of 2031, will be the most significant point. It certainly needs a more catchy name.

Friday, 11 June 2021

The Astrological Community

So far in 2021, I've made four posts while in previous years my tallies are shown in Figure 1:

Figure 1

Certainly 2018 was my most productive year. I'd like to post more but my attention tends to focus on my other blogs. This is largely because I'm getting a steady influx of information from various sources that provide ideas for content. With Astrology, I'm not getting any of that as I'm not hooked up to any sources. This is partly because there's so much rubbish out there and it's tiring to separate the grain from the chaff.

I have a special interest in mundane astrology and it's in this area that I should try to discover informative sites. One of the links I already have is to the Astrologers' Community that has many different sections with input from a wide variety of people. For example, Arian Maverick has contributed a list of useful astrology sites:

Part I: Basic Sites

Part II: Asteroids

Part III: The Balsamic Moon

Balsamic Moon in Relation to the Seasons (Unfortunately, the page is a bit outdated - 2005)

Part IV: Yods

Other users have added recommended sites of their own, including: 

There is also a section on Mundane Astrology. My point in listing all these links is to illustrate the range of resources that are out there. I'm sure many of them are forgettable but I'm sure that there are also a few sites with excellent information. This post is just about getting connecting more with the astrological community and with the vast amount of information available within it. Hopefully I can report back on some of the above sites in future posts.